German business in District of Columbia

Population: 689,545

Employment by Foreign-Owned Affiliates 2022

Total: 21,100 Jobs created by Foreign-Owned Affiliates in District of Columbia

Exports $2 million to Germany in 2023

Total Exports from District of Columbia $1.75 billion

  1. 1. UK 19.3 %
  2. 2. Poland 17.1 %
  3. 3. Egypt 16.9 %
  4. 4. Switzerland 9.3 %
  5. 5. Morocco 6.0 %
  6. 32. Germany 0.1 %
  7. Other 31.2 %

Imports $65.9 million from Germany in 2023

Total Imports to District of Columbia $1.59 billion

  1. 1. Australia 40.8 %
  2. 2. China 18.8 %
  3. 3. Canada 11.5 %
  4. 4. Mexico 4.8 %
  5. 5. Germany 4.1 %
  6. Other 20.0 %

Top Exports to Germany by Industry (% of Total Exports to Germany)

Source: U.S. Department of Commerce

All data current as of November 2024

Top Imports from Germany by Industry (% of Total Imports from Germany)